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Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Opening speech : Pembukaan Pidato

ehemm... Cek 123...
Anda suka berpidato bahasa inggris namun g' tau mau ngungkapin apa sa'at pembuka'an,...
Hehe.... Pengen bisa kan silahkan apal ni Teks di bawah ini ...
" Let's pray and thanks unto Allah Swt. who has giving life, soul, spirit to face of life and because of His blessing and marcies we can fell better and enjoy our life in this world as well as in the here after next.
Sholawat and salam always we convery to our Prophet who has guided every Moslems cause His guidance we can face our life from the baby until to the grave.

Baiklah cuma itu pembuka'annya, siapa yg mau ngapal silahkan, yg g' mau silahkan juga, karna di sini tidak ada paksa'an.....

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